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Prayers & Meditations
Kenneth Meadows, Where Eagles Fly
This prayer is appropriate for opening a Medicine Wheel or
sacred circle.
When opening a circle or Medicine
Wheel it is vital to call in the seven directions. This allows you to
tap into the power of the wheel for reverent and focused communion with
The directions will always respond when you call them, which may feel
like energy coming into your hand or arm or showering down through your
crown. People often report feeling "chills" and "goosebumps". Sometimes
it is just a knowing that Spirit, your ancestors, animals and guides are
now surrounding you.
Stand facing the East and say:
I call to the powers and spirits of the East, to golden eagle, to
illumination. I call to the powers and spirits of the East to come be
with me (us).
Shake rattle at the direction with
your right hand. Give the rattle a 3 shake pattern, 3 times in the East.
Turn clockwise and facing the
South say:
I call to the powers and spirits
of the South, to the Good Red Road home, to trust and innocence and the
little mouse. I call to the powers and spirits of the South to come be
with me (us).
Shake rattle at the direction with
your right hand. Shake the rattle 3 shakes, 3 times in the South.
Turn clockwise and facing the West
I call to the powers and spirits
of the West, to the Medicine Path, to beautiful Shell Woman, to the dark
waters of looking within. I call to the powers and spirits of the West
to be with me (us).
Shake rattle at the direction with
your right hand. Shake the rattle 3 shakes, 3 times in the North.
Turn clockwise and facing the
North say:
I call to the powers and spirits
of the North, home of the old ones and those who have gone by, to snowy
owl and White Buffalo Calf Woman. I call to the powers and spirits of
the North to come be with me (us).
Shake rattle at the direction with
your right hand. Shake the rattle 3 shakes, 3 times in the North.
Turn clockwise, facing the Center
and bending down to touch both palms onto the ground say:
I call upon the powers and spirits
of the earth, to those who swim, fly and crawl, to all creatures great
and small. I call to the powers and spirits of the earth to come be with
me (us).
Raise both arms to the sky and
silently commune with the above and all of the support that you have
called in. Honor them with a silent thought of gratitude.
Looking up say:
It is a good day to die.
It is a good day to live.
Apache Prayer
Morning Prayers: Invoking
the Seven Directions
Invoking the
Pattern On The Trestleboard
How to Make A Medicine Wheel
Clearing Prayers & Rituals
Flower of Change - 5
Minute Meditation
Higher Self Meditation
Create Your Own Invoking Prayer