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are creators, for if we ceased to create we would simply perish.
Removing doubt that we are creators is paramount to understanding the
power of consciously honing this creative force within ourselves and
understanding how important it is to have life affirming thoughts,
beliefs and feelings in order to create the life we want.
Yet, how do we get a better grip on
our thoughts and what we put into our body via our minds? How do we
change our programming? The answer is at once simple and complex. The
short answer is to change our thoughts, but how do we do that?
One of the most effective techniques
for releasing negativity is through Affirmations and Creative Visualization. Creative Visualization is the art of sending an image - a picture
to our subconscious mind. Affirmations are word messages. Both are very
powerful. Our
subconscious mind creates our reality based on a number of messages we
send to it.
These messages are packaged as
thoughts. They are
pictures, images and words that we visualize and send to our
subconscious mind. Our mind then picks up this creative visualization or
affirmation and begins creating what it sees. The key to understanding
how creative visualization works is to first understand that our
subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is not. It simply
creates our reality based on the images that we visualize. So it is
important to make sure that other sub-conscious messages are in
alignment with our conscious visualizations and affirmations. It is also
important as you begin affirming positively that you use imagery and
words that have meaning for you. For it is
then that we can begin to manifest our true heart's desires and create a
life filled with love, peace and true fulfillment.
Five Types
of Affirmations for Empowerment
By Jeanie Marshall
Five categories of affirmations support you in manifesting powerful
change. These five categories or types of affirmations have emerged from
my consulting work with clients and workshop participants. You may work
with affirmations in every category concurrently, or you may focus on a
different category each day or each week. It is important that
affirmations you select resonate with you, that is, that they feel
natural and appropriate. In order to experience this resonance, you may
need to change words in the ones listed here as examples, or let these
inspire you to create ones you prefer, or develop your own from scratch.
Popular Affirmations
Many popular affirmations are beautiful, indeed, they are quite
extraordinary! However, if you do not believe them, they are useless or
even counterproductive. If you say an affirmation you do not believe,
saying it repeatedly will not make you believe it. Actually, the
repetition can build up greater resistance to believing it. Consider
this example: Sam feels powerless. He has had many experiences that he
can point to that justify his feelings and his belief in his own
powerlessness and unworthiness. Saying "I am powerful" is less likely to
erase his feelings of powerlessness than to prompt an emphatic reaction,
such as, "Oh, no, I'm not!" If Sam does not deal with the resistance, he
carries it with him as he lives his life.
An empowering process emerges by using these five categories of
affirmations in a systematic way to assist you in embracing an
affirmation that you desire to believe but do not. If you have an
intention and a desire to say and believe "I am powerful," start by
releasing powerlessness, open to the possibility of being powerful,
affirm an intention and readiness to live in your power, claim your
power, and let the idea of powerfulness integrate into your life.
Following are the five categories of affirmations described briefly with
a few examples of each type.
Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations
The purpose of Releasing and/or Cleansing Affirmations is to let go of
unwanted and unneeded stuff. Especially, they help you let go of
resistance. They allow you to purify your system. These affirmations
stimulate the release of toxins such as negative thought forms,
repressed or suppressed emotions, old memories, negative bonds with
others, karma, dark consensus reality, illusions of all types.
I give myself permission to release toxicity from every level of my
energy field.
I rescind outdated vows of poverty, celibacy, struggle, silence, and
I release resistance.
I let go of old programs that keep me stuck in old patterns.
I let go of everything I do not want or need for my highest good.
Receiving/Accepting Affirmations
The purpose of Receiving and/or Accepting Affirmations is to open to
allow something to be. They allow us to receive goodness from the
Universe. They neutralize the misqualification of energy; that is, they
can reverse illness or other density. In addition, they help us shift
the attention from disempowering actions such as, "getting" or "taking"
to more freeing concepts such as, "receiving" and "allowing" and
I open to the gifts of the Universe.
I allow abundance to flow through me.
I accept support when I need it.
Dear God, please let me know what to do in a way that I can understand.
I accept peace and joy in all aspects of my life.
Being/Intending Affirmations
The purpose of Being and/or Intending Affirmations is to ground your
purpose, especially your higher purpose. These affirmations enhance
conscious awareness of your intention about something or about your
mission in life. In addition, these affirmations can deepen your
understanding of your reason for being and/or acting generally or in a
specific situation. They can be used to enhance any and all actions that
I know that this is for the highest good of all concerned.
I deepen my awareness of the consciousness from which actions spring.
I live my mission.
My intention is to live free from struggle, fear, and hopelessness.
I remember.
Acting/Claiming Affirmations
The purpose of Acting and/or Claiming Affirmations is to bring something
into manifestation or to direct the energy of your intention to
appropriate manifestation. These affirmations bring into the physical
experience those ideas that you hold in your mind and/or heart. In
addition, these affirmations help you to claim your power and establish
boundaries in relationships.
I act with high intention and purposeful awareness.
I step into the world to live my mission in every word and action.
I demand my good right now.
I make every act an act of love (or freedom or mastery or hope, etc.).
I am powerful. I am worthy. I am loveable. I am free.
Integrating/Embodying Affirmations
The purpose of Integrating and/or Embodying Affirmations is to allow the
energy and meaning of the affirmations to merge with your consciousness.
Affirmations and ideas that do not resonate, drop away.
Integrating/Embodying Affirmations support us in knowing more deeply --
integrating -- what we have learned rather than introducing new
I integrate trust into every aspect of my life.
I breathe love into my job, my body, my relationships.
Yes to Life!
Today is an opportunity for peace.
I breathe in abundance, letting my whole body feel its energy.
Affirmations as Lifestyle
As you work more and more with intentional affirmations -- written,
spoken, read, chanted, meditated upon -- you will make them part of your
lifestyle. Affirmations are already working for (or against!) you. It is
your job to select the ones you want to live by. Remember, you are
already using affirmations every time you think or speak! If your
current affirmations are disempowering, you can intentionally change
them to ones that you choose to live by.
"You become what you behold." -William Blake
Perceive it. Believe
it. Conceive it. Receive it!
Process Pain, Passion, and Purpose
for Personal Power.
My thoughts are filled with pure
I am love and I live my life in
I am not alone. I am separated
from all that is, only by the thoughts I choose.
I am loveable.
I am loving and kind.
I am whole and perfect, and my
imperfections are what make me beautiful.
I am worthy of love.
My life has purpose and meaning.
I take back my power to make the
unknown, known.
I nourish myself everyday.
I give and receive love
“The Law, having no purpose of
It’s own, having no intention of it’s own about us, is compelled to take
the color of our dominant thought and create after that pattern. We,
being persons, can change our thought and thereby remold our conditions.
Indeed this is the great realization of freedom, and to understand this
is to understand how we may be released from bondage”.
source: Ernest Holmes from Living The Science Of Mind
Scale of Emotions
On The Trestleboard
Creating Your Highest Future Room
Daily Affirmation Room with Orin & DaBen