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DRAGON CLAN - Eastern Gate - April 15, 2007
naming of a clan is a very sacred process. It is not dictated by the
creativity alone of the facilitator, but is rather more of a download of information that best represents the existing energy
of the group as a whole. Through intuition, meditation, inspiration,
imagination, observation and deep listening the clan is named, not by a
human, but through a human by the unseen energy source that connects us
all one to another.
Although human issues are
universal, what is so amazing about the dynamic of each clan is that the
particular members of a clan hold a piece of each other's puzzle. Upon first appearance, this may not
seem so, but the wheel is a study in this very principal, as we all get
exactly what we need, exactly when we need it, in perfect order, every
time. The people come together, time after time after time in service to
each other.
We are but reflections of one another.
When we are
reflecting only what is inside of our heart of hearts it is then that
the resistance and suffering will come to an end. For it is then
that we are not so much reflectors, as we are receptors and projectors.
It is then that we are
projecting the most essential part of our highest and finest selves
from the very core of our being. And so it is wise to pay attention to
everything and everyone that comes into your space. Let no blessing go unnoticed and no message go
unheard. Be not fooled by the wrapping paper on the gift.
And so with this, we have the
naming of the next Addiction Alchemy tribe:
The Green
Dragon Clan
Deep magic, refinement of
connection to higher energies, connection to spirit, projection of
spirit, duality, protection, Da'ath, knowledge of good and evil,
integration, self-acceptance, Knowing

Green Dragon in particular signifies healing and heart chakra.
This will preclude the healing and opening of the heart chakra through
deep magic and the power of imagination. It brings a deeper
connection to the fire of Spirit and a greater ability to project this
energy and be a conduit for the Light. As dragon is often portrayed
as a winged creature, this also signifies a greater ability to connect
heaven and earth.

When one looks at the historical references to Dragons, one sees several
distinct images peculiar to each era. What remains of these in the
modern view of Dragons seems to be a sort of dichotomy, a plenum of
opposites that continues to range from malevolence to benevolence! Some
still carry the classical image of the fire breathing winged monster, a
combination of the Lizard and Snake images with fire-breathing and
wings. Yet we now see images of Dragons as benevolent, playful
creatures, almost pet-like and an icon of deep magic and powerful
mysteries. These can be seen as a further development of the Dragon
image, a freeing of the ties of oppressive religion and the exploration
of something that was previously forbidden and misunderstood.
The image of a Dragon as a friend
and guardian is returning, as can be seen by the increase in cuddly
Dragons that one can buy. The notion of Dragons as pets stems from the
myths of old when Dragons were tamed rather than slain - going back as
far as the Tiamat-Marduk legend. Yet, the Dragon as a playful image is
far removed, as there appears to be no precedent in myth. It could be
argued that it is a further development of the Dragon as a pet-guardian
having been tamed to such a degree, or even as an extension of the
Dragon as a riddler which is prominent in some Egyptian and Celtic myths. It
can also be seen as a complete rejection of the any sort of denial of
the magic of life in all its forms as the
Dragon is now something that adorns the mantelpiece rather than being
shunned as blasphemous. With the blending of images in this modern
global civilization one is bound to see many influences in the modern
Dragon, however one can still see the basic ancient archetypes at the
base of them all.
What evidence is there of the Jungian archetypes in modern civilization?
Well, firstly one must consider what happens when different races with
different archetypes intermix, as occurs today. Jung is not specific, so
one is forced into conjecture. It could be though that the intermingling
of the various races is the beginning of a new epoch in human evolution,
which according to Jung would allow a new archetype to be formed or at
least the old archetypes to be abandoned. It could also be argued that
the combination of differing archetypes causes an imbalance in the
collective unconscious allowing all sorts of images to be visualized.
Yet, it can also be argued that the archetypes remain as inviolate and
separate as they always have been. The fascinating thing about dragon,
is that it is one of the few archetypes which fly in the very face of
the definition of an archetype - which is something that holds an
impersonal pattern of energy in the collective unconscious - as dragon yet lives
on, fragmented into 2 camps in the minds of men with no dilution of the
power of this archetype at all.
The ancient Dragon images are still present in modern day views, though
much more suppressed. This can be thought of as the rational mind
dominating over the unconscious image. The early addition of wings is a
very rational step; The Dragons were present in the sky thus they must
have wings so that they can fly. This shows a tendency towards Jung's
Extroverted Type. The archetypal Dragon is repressed, though it never
loses its original meaning. We see this in the development of the
guardian image, Dragons as pets. The Dragon is consciously shown to be
something that is tamed and controlled. This has to be understood by the
Extroverted Type so as to reduce the danger of lapsing into a nervous
breakdown as the demands of the unconscious image force themselves onto
the conscious producing extremes of either interest or disinterest in
In the case of the Introverted
Type, the mythical Dragons would take on powerful and terrifying
qualities, almost magical. This would lead to the Introvert fearing all
strange and different forms of Dragon as it would symbolize a magical
animation of the image which is so attached to him. We see this in the
perpetuation of the Dragon as a fearful and powerful creature - the
fire-breathing serpent. This is something the Introverted Type must come
to terms with if they are not to develop neuroses, according to Jung.
In coming to terms with the Dragon archetype, one must explore its
influences over the conscious. This can be best done during symbolic
play sessions where the active imagination can be left to roam. Jung was
convinced of the healing power of play and the imagination through
various media, and its ability to put people in touch with material that
is ordinarily repressed. The fantasies thus produced are done so in
controllable circumstances. The images these fantasies take are varied
and unpredictable for during the state of play people are able to
imagine anything. This can take the form of playful Dragons, Dragons
doing things that are not in keeping with the Primordial Images. It is
probably the best way in which to discover the influences that the
archetypal image has over the conscious and rational mind; and in
discovering the influences one can come to terms with them.
One thing is certain. People
remain as connected to dragon as ever, whether it be to the dark
mysterious persona or the beloved guardian and companion. Perhaps this
is a clue to the energy of dragon and as it may well be one of the most
dynamic archetypes we know. The chimera, the changeling, the polarity of
the archetype of dragon may be the marker of the duality that lies
within all archetypes, representing the shadow and light of our very
existence. Or quite simply is dragon the gatekeeper to our deepest,
darkest secrets, to the magical realms we dare not enter into which
contain our vast creative power of choice, the freedom to fly and the
bottomless cave which guards the key to all that is or ever will be: our
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Eighth Edition - R. E.
Allen (Editor).
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Fourth Edition - H. W.
Fowler and F. G. Fowler (Editors).
Mythical Beasts - John Cherry (Editor).
Mysterious Britain - Janet and Colin Bond.
Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt - R. T. Rundle Clark.
A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - George Hart.
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe - H. R. Ellis Davidson.
The Mabinogion - Jeffrey Gantz (Translator).
Legend of the Chinese Lung - The Chinese "Dragon" - Dr. Ong Hean-Tatt.
Psychological Types - C. G. Jung.
Psychology and Alchemy - C. G. Jung.
Jung on Active Imagination - C. G. Jung (Joan Chodorow - Editor).
Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts - Herbert Silberer.
Dragons, The Modern Infestation - Pamela Wharton Blanpied

Colourworks.org - Green Dragon 2007
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