Next Generation Recovery WORKBOOK NOW AVAILABLE
You have been asking and we have been listening! So many of you are reaching out
to learn about the Universal Medicine Wheel for Soul Recovery, and how you can have these gatherings in your
own communities. The Addiction Alchemy Field Guide Workbook will help you assemble your tribal
community for healing, empowerment and adventure!
The Workbook will give
you easy to follow steps to facilitate your own Addiction Alchemy Inner Journey
Universal Medicine Wheel gatherings.
The Addiction Alchemy Field Guide Manual, Addiction Alchemy Sacred Art
Compendium, and Addiction Alchemy Affirmation Oracle are coming in 2020.
"We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our
exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the
first time." -- T.S. Eliot
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naming of a clan is a very sacred process. It is not dictated by the
creativity alone of the facilitator, but is rather more of a download of information that best represents the existing energy
of the group as a whole. Through intuition, meditation, inspiration,
imagination, observation and deep listening the clan is named, not by a
human, but through a human by the unseen energy source that connects us
all one to another.
We are but reflections of one another, until we are
reflecting only what is inside of our heart of hearts from our purest
essence. And we will then each be one to another the most persistent of
reminders of the greatness that lies within each of us. For it is then that we are
projecting the most essential part of our highest and finest selves
from the very core of our being. And so it is wise to pay attention to
everything and everyone that comes into your space. Let no blessing go unnoticed and no message go
unheard. Be not fooled by the wrapping paper on the gift or the cover on
the book.
And so with this, we have the
naming of this Addiction Alchemy tribe on AUGUST 31, 2012:
Great Spirit,
The star nations all over the heavens are Yours,
And Yours are the grasses of the earth.
You are older than all need,
Older than all pain and prayer.
Great Spirit,
Teach us to walk the soft earth as relatives to all
that live.
Sioux Indian Prayer
The heart and soul of the Eagle
Wing Stretches journey is centered around the reception of the deep
wisdom teachings, visionary prophecies and subtle powers of
Grandfather Nicholas Black Elk, Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Holy man. It is
through this power that the entire project known as Addiction Alchemy
and the Recovery Medicine Wheel, have been unknowingly channeled and
created. It is with great gratitude that we now embark on the very first
medicine wheel journey that will be under the direct, conscious guidance
of Grandfather Nicholas Black Elk, also known by his spiritual name,
Eagle Wing Stretches.
“The first
peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls
of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the
universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the
universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really
everywhere, it is within each of us.” ― Black Elk
In 2006, the first gathering of
the Phoenix Clan brought this work to the world. It was an instant power
source and the people were inexplicably drawn to it through their own
innate wisdom and soul's guidance. The perfect device to both heal and
create in a sacred container which can hold all the forces of the
universe was re-introduced to the world.
Unbeknownst to me, we have been
revelating and revealing, reliving and re-enacting Black Elk's Vision...
without even knowing of this vision. For nearly 7 years, I knew that my
task as the steward and creator of Addiction Alchemy was other worldly.
I knew that I was constantly being downloaded with information and signs
and symbols, which were activating spiritual sensories and channeling
abilities in me that I had never known existed. I was guided to do
things that were both strange and natural to me at the same time, in
equal measure. Now I know that I was hosting this most precious powerful
being, known as Eagle Wing Stretches (Black Elk), whose vision we were
bringing to life.
The second
Grandfather, he of the North, spoke again: "Take courage, younger
brother," he said; "on earth a nation you shall make live, for yours
shall be the power of the white giant's wing, the cleansing wind."
- Black Elk
Black Elk's childhood vision was a
profound and powerful legacy that was being cast into the web of
creation for future generations. I know that now to be a great truth.
For many years Black Elk suffered with the burden of his vision and no
outlet for it. He felt helpless in the wake of such a powerful
experience and didn't understand what to do next, until he came to the
understanding that visions must be acted out by the people in order to
become actuated. Once the people of his village re-enacted his vision,
he was restored to a measure of peace, as any messenger would upon the
actual and true delivery of the message to it's proper recipient... in
this case... the people. This was a huge step in the process of bringing
the medicine wheel back to the modern world and continues to be so, as
each of the Addiction Alchemy clans "act out" through the ceremony and
ritual of their lives this vision of Black Elk's again and again, as we
travel around the wheel.
“While I stood
there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; For I
was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit,
and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one
being....And I saw that it was holy.” ― Black Elk
When asking Grandfather Black Elk,
why he did not reveal himself to me for 7 years, I was "told" that the
Grandfathers wanted me to channel it through my filters, the filters of
an American woman, who was of the Rainbow Nation and who had transmuted
through her own alchemy, the inner war between her Native American and
European ancestry. They wanted a living embodiment of this divine union
of opposites, one who carries the wind in her soul of White Buffalo Calf
Woman. And someone who could hear that Black Elk was still speaking,
when he was ready to be revealed. Someone whose antenna extends far out
into the star nation, and who would ultimately find the strength to
bring the information back, whole and intact, to the people in an
experiential way... a way that opens the framework of the medicine wheel
and takes it down to its core essence, showing it's enduring relevance,
and also revealing that we have been working with this sacred knowledge
all along, embedded in everything from baseball diamonds, to the
Kabbalah, to the Wizard of Oz.
And so that is what we are
doing....bringing back the magic, the medicine and the power of the
medicine wheel to the people of the rainbow nation... the people of the
new earth.
"The whole
problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain
of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts". - Bertrand Russell
(Nicholas Black Elk)
You are enduring the processes that are required to become the hollow
bone healer. The call of this clan is to bring forth those who in fact
are destined to be master healers. A master healer may or may not make a
career out of healing. A master healer is simply a healed healer who is
ready to do some serious transmutational work to support the new earth
energies in their mission to move us away from the path of suffering and
onto the path of love. This can take many forms. But one thing you can
be sure of is that your ability to conduct healing life force energy,
Great Spirit or chi is part of your medicine and your calling.
"I cured with
the power that came through me. Of course, it was not I who cured, it
was the power from the Outer World, the visions and the ceremonies had
only made me like a hole through which the power could come to the two
leggeds. If I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would close
up and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be
foolish."― Black Elk
You are on the trajectory to
become a masterful holder of sacred space. Anyone can create sacred
space. Not everyone can hold sacred space. For most healers are still,
as yet, unhealed themselves. They are drawing to them their own
projections and actually receiving as much healing from their clients
and healees, friends and family, as they are giving. This is simply a
stepping stone to the vertical path. We rise up out of the root chakra,
out of the groundwork that is laid by the shamanic initiations into the
path of the Bodhisattva, which activates at the sacral chakra... and we
begin to move upward into the Messiah energy which is the solar plexis
and the activation of Divine Will... and culminating at the heart...
with the service to humanity and the Great Mystery. We then
have created the holy grail, a great cup and a divine vessel for filling
with Light (crown), spiritual insight and wisdom (brow), and the ability
to speak this wisdom into creative expression, meeting at the heart
again... with love.
“The Holy Land
is everywhere.” ― Black Elk
When we step more fully out of our
wounds, we begin to attract a whole new echelon of souls into our
groups. We are put into contact with others who have released the karmic
bonds of the victim, and this now moves us out of "misery loves company"
to "beauty begets more beauty". That which is like unto itself is drawn
applies equally here, as anywhere else in life. And now at last, we, as
master hollow bone healers, become vessels for pure inspiration,
literally instilling spirit into all that we touch, including people,
places, projects, and things. This changes everything and puts us on the
path of positive creation through the intent to express love and
experience beauty.
“All over the
sky a sacred voice is calling your name.” ― Black Elk
Black Elk was both a Lakota
medicine man, and a Catholic catechist, which is in a sense a teacher
and priest who engaged in a relationship with Jesus - the mysterious
"good news" that so many Native Americans came back and spoke about.
This makes him a very special medicine man and one who embraced the
vertical path fully of his own free will, not through force and
coercion, as so many others endured.
If you feel called to join this
journey, know that you will be a part of anchoring and re-establishing
the powerful force of Nicholas Black Elk as he has joined the ranks of
Ascended Masters known as Bodhisattva's, who remain close to the earth
to be of service to humanity. Black Elk has never stopped speaking. His
message has touched millions. His wisdom and humility has caused him to
be both a champion of his Native American heritage, and an icon to all
people everywhere, of goodwill and mercy. He is someone who endured
incredible loss and has made great sacrifice to bring healing and
enlightenment to the rainbow people... people of all walks of life
through his pervading messages of interconnectedness, oneness and peace.
He is a master guardian of the
memory of paradise and he is poised and ready to download his vision,
through Addiction Alchemy and all medicine wheel teachings that support
an open framework, to the world. The time is here to do this now. We can
re-enter the Garden, this time with full knowledge of good and evil...
and reclaim through our free will our divine will and a restoration of
our innocence. After all, the heyoka, as Grandfather says, is here to
remind you not to take it all so seriously. The medicine he brings to us
is the reminder that although we will not be happy until we remember our
medicine, our medicine is not the source of our happiness. For what
truly makes us happy is when we are re-united with each other and the
creator. Our medicine is only leading us to that grand reunion.
Black Elk says... welcome home.
But they who wait for
the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like
eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
EAGLE TOTEM Eagle represents Great
Spirit and the Great Mystery. As we fly with eagle we gain higher consciousness and
enlightenment. Because of the top down view of eagle, the highest flying
raptor, we gain more awareness of the interconnectivity of this creation,
as well as greater respect for it.
Not just because we believe it, but because we see it, and ultimately
experience the oneness first hand.
The eagle is present across a range
of beliefs or philosophies, representing spiritual protection, carrying
prayers, and bringing strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit,
healing, creation, and sacred knowledge. The eagle has an ability to
see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the
spiritual. The eagle has an ability to see the overall pattern, and the
connection to spirit guides and teachers. The eagle represents great
power and balance, dignity, integrity, a connection with higher truths,
intuition and a creative spiritual grace achieved through knowledge and
hard work.
The dictionary of scripture and myth, describes the eagle as;
A symbol of the holy spirit, which flies, as it were, through the mind
(air) from the higher nature (heaven) to the lower nature (earth) and
soars aloft to the self (sun).
Many people over the years have
spontaneously experienced the Eagle Vision, especially when entering the
East. Perhaps you will have that vision, too. Once experienced, the
Eagle Vision changes you forever, for you become the eagle. You fly over
the lands, sweeping and majestic and you see everything through the eyes
of the eagle. You feel the freedom of flight and see just how powerful
this guardian truly is.
Eagle is sometimes thought to be the
physical incarnation of Archangel Michael. Michael, whose name means,
"who is like God", is considered the Chief of the Angels, so it is very
fitting that Black Elk's spiritual name is Eagle Wing Stretches, as he
has taken his place among the Grandfathers and the Sacred Directions to
provide guidance, support and love to the earthwalkers.
There is a great deal to be learned
about Black Elk through his association with Eagle and Archangel
Michael. Michael is a very important angel to call upon when the
intention is to clear or remove negative energy. This is a very big clue
about the work that is necessary to become a hollow bone for spirit. For
the clearer our own channel, the better we can hold space, mainly
because we can be transparent to the energies present and hold a space
anchored in integrity.
We are releasing ourselves from the
karmic contracts as brought forward through the coyote medicine. Since
the time of healing through "tricks" or crisis, suffering and surprise
is fast leaving the planet, the Heyoka is taking on a new role to remind
us to stay hollow, devoid of attachment and filled with a deep sense of
joy for the journey. The "fool" is no longer foolish, but restored to a
sense of innocence, wonder and trust. Soon we will be healing through
our own creativity and simply building a new reality... a new dream.. a
beautiful dream for the new earth.
I am a center of expression for the primal will to good.
The Universe and Great Mystery fully support my journey.
I quest for visioning, higher energy and sacred knowledge.
I walk the good red road home to my soul.
I see the interconnection in all that is.
My heart is whole and healed.
I honor the sacred directions and come to know them intimately through
the power of the medicine wheel.
I create sacred space by building medicine wheels.
I work with the energy of the sacred stone circle.
I tap into the power of ritual and ceremony to activate my visions and
I awaken to higher perspective and deeper truths.
I use the power of eagle to connect with Great Spirit.
I am open to connecting with my power plants.
I accept and allow my intuition to expand and energize my life.
I walk the path of the healer.
I step into my personal medicine, and gather a little more power each
I do the work necessary to release what is no longer serving, so that I
become a hollow bone healer.
My healing powers come from my ability to channel divine love.
I allow spiritual guides and ascended masters to work through me to heal
myself and others.
I perfect the art of holding space in complete non-judgment,
understanding that everyone is experiencing exactly what they need to
heal themselves.
I only activate and witness the intention of another to heal or release.
Higher powers work through me to do good in the world.
I am inspired and elevated by my spiritual guides and guardians into
ever higher levels of service to the world.
The highest levels of service to the world, cannot truly be known.
I honor and appreciate all those who provide service to the world with
conscious intent.
I heal any ancestral rifts, cultural differences or disharmony within
I dream myself awake.
Water, Medicine Wheel, pipe ceremony, sacred herb, flowering tree, 4
colors, horse, eagles, rainbows, rabbit, coyote, heyoka, pine, Blue
Star, Eagle feather, buffalo, John of God