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CLAN - Eastern Gate - April 2008
naming of a clan is a very sacred process. It is not dictated by the
creativity alone of the facilitator, but is rather more of a download of information that best represents the existing energy
of the group as a whole. Through intuition, meditation, inspiration,
imagination, observation and deep listening the clan is named, not by a
human, but through a human by the unseen energy source that connects us
all one to another.We are but reflections of one another, until we are
reflecting only what is inside of our heart of hearts from our purest
essence. And we will then each be one to another the most persistent of
reminders of the greatness that lies within each of us. For it is then that we are
projecting the most essential part of our highest and finest selves
from the very core of our being. And so it is wise to pay attention to
everything and everyone that comes into your space. Let no blessing go unnoticed and no message go
unheard. Be not fooled by the wrapping paper on the gift or the cover on
the book.
And so with this, we have the
naming of this Addiction Alchemy tribe:
Blue Bird

There's a fog upon L.A.
And my friends have lost their way
We'll be over soon they said
Now they've lost themselves instead.
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep
Well it only goes to show
And I told them where to go
Ask a policeman on the street
There's so many there to meet
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep
Now it's past my bed I know
And I'd really like to go
Soon will be the break of day
Sitting here in Blue Jay Way
Please don't be long, please don't you be very long
Please don't be long or I may be asleep.
by George Harrison, The Beatles
released Blue Jay Way on their Magical Mystery Tour album.
The power of this most auspicious
of the blue birds, blue jay is that she is an earth based bridge between
heaven and earth. Did you know that there is not blue pigment in blue
jay feathers? The color blue is an optical illusion refracted by the
mysterious internal structure of the feather itself. The heavens are
refracted down and create the appearance that they are separate from the
earth, as exemplified in the blue and black bands of the jay feathers!
She is the embodiment of how heaven and earth do meet and merge right
before our human eyes.
Blue Jay is often mistaken to be
an overbearing, nuisance of a bird in their quest to make sure that they
band together and are well fed themselves. They make no apologies for
their own self care. They just do it. Some novice bird watchers even
think that they are malicious scavengers who will raid and eat other
bird's eggs from the nest. While this is true, research reveals that
Blue Jay's diet consist of less than 1% of bird's eggs and is almost
entirely composed of grains, seeds and nuts.
Blue Jay expands the reach of
their silent friends the Oak and Hickory trees as they are known to
carry acorns in their beaks (a load much too heavy for lesser birds) to
great distances where they bury them for a winter cache. Often they
plant so many that they "forget" where they are planted and thus a new
Oak forest is born.
Blue Jay's crested head indicate
her status as royalty. This crown signifies her acceptance of her
kingdom. And as all good royalty knows, in reality she is a servant. She
is a servant of the macrocosmic and microcosmic God holographically
projected from within us all. And as she regally and unapologetically
accepts her power, she gives others permission to do the same.
While Blue Bird's message is that
Love, happiness, joy and hope comes from within you and should be shared
with another in the way of romantic Love, Blue Jay is the way shower to
true happiness. Of all of the members of the blue bird family she is the
one that can bring us to the center of our self and it is from this
place that we can truly connect to others. She shows us the way to our
happiness by helping us see the power in showing ourselves and the world
who we really are.

Bridge Over Troubled Water
When you're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes,
I will dry them all
I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
When you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
by Paul Simon, 1969
Blue Jay is a bridge builder. It's no small coincidence that the song
"Bridge Over Troubled Water", was written by Paul Simon in a house on
Blue Jay Way, the Hollywood Hills street made famous by a song of the
same name written in the same house by the Beatles. The song, "Blue Jay
Way", speaks of friends who are lost and late and in a fog. The
song, "Bridge Over Troubled Water", speaks of the desire to ease this
pain. This is the way of Blue Jay.
Fight for what you want. You hold
the schematic of the bridge between heaven and earth. You are a healer
and a seer. You see this bridge and you hold the keys to the
construction of this sacred structure. It is programmed into your DNA.
As long as you continue to purify your desires, you can be guaranteed
that what you want, what you need, what you desire, will serve the
world, the cosmos and the greater good. Ultimately you must only be
yourself. And in that you will play a key role in the advancement and
evolution of humanity.
This is the gift that Blue Jay
gives...she gives us the keys to synthesizing our Self. She shows us the
way to true self acceptance of our differences and understanding the
power in this. She makes us unafraid of our own power and helps us
embrace and honor our healing abilities. She shows us that we are
bringing in and anchoring new awareness and that if we were not
different, we would not be able to help create something different,
something new, better and improved. For Blue Jay is not about business
as usual. She must expand her territory, she must be nurtured so that
she is strong enough to hold true to her inner call. If she is perceived
as a nuisance, so be it. Yet, those with the eyes to see will soon come
to understand that it is her deep, abiding love for the God within us
all, within all that is and her overarching connection to this oneness
that drives everything she does. And they will trust.

Have you forgotten your place in this world? Do you have any idea of how
important that you and your mission are to the great work of bringing in
the consciousness of heaven on earth? Anyone that has a deep awareness
and has raised their own consciousness that heaven already exists, here
and now in the material plane, has a duty to the entire cosmos to be all
that you can be, so that you can carry forth this message and raise this
awareness, hold the space and midwife this experience for others and to
continue to deepen your own creative experiences.
Blue Jay says that you are a
Warrior of Light and you must be continually finely tuning your
instrument so that your vibration can match the higher energies and
heaven can continue to become visible here on earth for all to see. You
must continue to fight the good fight in the name of the great work. You
must be well fed, for your duties and responsibilities are great! Never
apologize for keeping yourself strong, loving yourself and making sure
that you are well kept. By no means is this done from a level of selfish
lack, but from the sheer love of Self as the expression of God and all
that is and the protection of your sacred mission. You are a key agent
of change. When you succeed, you give others silent permission to do the
Now do you see how important you

I am a bridge between heaven and
I embody the Christ consciousness in my mind, body and soul.
The thousand petal lotus is expanding in my consciousness.
I am one with the Buddha nature.
The kundalini arises in me.
I radically accept myself.
I love, cherish, honor and protect myself.
My mission on earth is sacred and valuable to humanity.
I am an important thread of the tapestry of the cosmos.
I am filled with new high and vital energy.
I am strong, capable, confident and creative.
I am a key agent for change in the world.
I love God, by loving myself.
I am the embodiment of compassion and forgiveness.
My heart is bathed in the light of love.
I prepare my vessel - Body, Mind, Heart and Soul to receive my
I see the undeviating justice in all aspects of my life.
I raise my consciousness by bringing in Light and Love.
I honor the Light and Love that is within me.
I am a Warrior of the Light.
I am a nurturing and caring lover.
I receive all good things into my life.
I take really good care of myself.
I tune my self to the same frequency as my Higher Self.
I am a master healer.

Blue Jay tail feather, blue bird icons, crowns and crests
Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Pyrite

Boisterous Blue Jay
Jay Way
Spiritual Meaning of Blue Jay
More About Blue Jay
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