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Prayers & Meditations
by Renee Bledsoe
Creating a sacred space to focus your
mind, still your thoughts and go within
is becoming increasingly important to
more and more people. As many of us
begin to work with and experience the
benefits of meditation, prayer and
ritual, creating a special place within
our homes is coming to the top of the
priority list. We've put this resource
together to offer some suggestions to help you create power places and
altars in your home and even your office or workspace.
If you don't have time for an hour or 30
minutes of meditation, just bowing and offering candles and incense can
make quite a difference to your state of mind.
The basic altar is a focus of spiritual
inspiration and beauty: it could consist
of simply a candle or candelabra, or a
flower or flowers, a crystal, a holy
icon, a picture of a saint or religious
leader, or an object endowed with
personal meaning, placed, with
reverence, in a clean and high place.
Since an altar is a focusing tool, it is
important that everything on the altar
holds great meaning for you. You can
have more than one altar. Many people
have altars and shrines in their home
that they aren't even aware of. Altars
do not have to be traditional to be
What do
you collect? What do you gravitate
towards? Do you connect with nature or
knights....buddha's or saints...
mystical creatures, angels or
butterflies? Whatever makes your heart
sing will only help you go deeper
within. However, following tried and
true practices if you are seeking to create a certain kind of altar can
be very helpful.
Often just stepping into the sacred
space or standing before your altar can
trigger deep peace within you very
An altar can provide a special place that is
set aside and dedicated to connecting
with our own soul and with universal
powers. It is important to remember that
the highest
function of an altar is to help heal,
empower and enlighten ourselves. All the
instructions for altar making in the
world will only help if you can connect.
So most of all make an altar or a space
that is sacred to YOU and use it to find
your own truth!
All About Altars - Beliefnet
This article will appeal to those who
resonate more with Eastern philosophy.
Four Elements Altar
This article will appeal to those who
resonate more with Wiccan/Pagan or earth
based philosophy.
A comprehensive article on both indoor
and outdoor altars.
Harmony In Design
Visit this site for articles on using
the ancient art of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui - IDD
A repository of articles from the
Interior Design Industry perspective.